Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A New Beginning - The Secret

I have been thinking for the past few days on starting my own blog and contemplating what to write about. This morning I explored and just get on with it and I am.

As a trainer who loves gadgets, I lost the receiver for my powerpoint remote presenter ever since the end of February. Each time I travelled, I will hunt for a gadget shop, do a quick survey on the various selection and somehow or rather something held me from buying it. Last week a friend recommended a particular brand and ordered for me. The remote is due to arrive today. The thing is, ever since I viewed The Secret on DVD which I got from a friend, I started to have an order list on a daily basis on the things I wanted in life. Perhaps, the request vibration on the remote presenter is one of them.

An amazing thing happened this morning! As I rummaged through my stuff to look for my black diary, I found the remote! I sent a message to my friend to cancel the order. That was a savings of $85.00. Isn't that abundance?

I have also been preaching on Abundance versus Scarcity Consciousness and I discovered that the more I speak on it to my audience, abundance started to flow into my life. The Secret was one of them. I missed one viewing once and ever since that moment, I have been wanting to watch it until last weekend a friend gave hers for me to watch. I watched with my 15-year old daughter. She was excited about it.

On June 5th, I asked a young insurance agent that I am mentoring, to watch it and yesterday over lunch, I asked him to brief me on what he has learned. He was excited about it and shared that he would make a collage of his dreams or order list and frame it.

My friend who gave The Secret DVD to me bought the book for $18.00 and I got it for $14.00. That was a savings of $4.00 for me! Another form of abundance in my life. I want to urge all of you out there to read the book or view the DVD of The Secret. Try it and perhaps we can share the benefits of how our life unfold as we practice the concepts.


Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of blogging ... where u can write all you want, anytime, anywhere about anything under the sun.

I see great abundance in this blog of yours as it will serve as a hub for inspiration seekers & the sharing of positive ideas and thinking.

The future is all out there! May the force of the blog be with you...


Unknown said...

Congrats for u finally u can do it...
so now u know whats u want to do when u free..hehehehe
keep it up sifu i will support u...
a lots of abundance in this world actually maybe people always think scarcity before abundance like today i go with my partner biz too one shopping complex for approach directly...before this im always thinking its too hard to do that but today we get atleast 4 number from them...not bad for new starting...
so sifu thanks for u because still guide me..thats is one abundance...
take care...
Iskandar Mohd Ali
Financial Advisor
"Income Protection"